We had good times, and shared a few laughs together. I was bored, obviously contemplating what I thought I could do to waste time as I chatted with the people in #smwc. So, it all happened, on tonight of all nights. If you were on IRC you would have heard me talking about it as well, but anyways it's late at night, and I don't have a lot of time, and I need to get to sleep, so this is all I have time for.) (Note: This is a true story, and sums up what was going through my mind as I was playing this, and I had no idea I was about to be bullshitted the way I was when I played this and I can say it is by far the creepiest hack I've played. *Note: You CAN download that link in the thread* The story As of recent, the SMW Central account has been disabled. He (she?) used to not to be seen as inactive (one month of no activity makes you inactive on SMW Central), as he (she?) posted mysterious and eerie things every now and then, just before he (she?) would turn inactive. The patch itself is made by SMW Central user M A R I O, whose avatar is a SMW Mario without a face. MARIO is a Super Mario World ROM hack pasta by SMW Central user Adam.